local options = { clipboard = "unnamedplus", -- use system clipboard wrap = true, -- wrap long lines showmode = false, -- hide mode (-- INSERT --) showmatch = true, -- show matching ignorecase = true, -- case insensitive hlsearch = true, -- highlight search incsearch = true, -- incremental search tabstop = 4, -- number of columns occupied by a tab softtabstop = 4, -- see multiple spaces as tabstops so does the right thing expandtab = true, -- converts tabs to white space shiftwidth = 4, -- width for autoindents autoindent = true, -- indent a new line the same amount as the line just typed number = true, -- add line numbers syntax = "enable", -- syntax highlighting cursorline = true, -- highlight current cursorline } for key, value in pairs(options) do vim.opt[key] = value end