package views import ( "errors" "" "" "" "net/http" ) func CreateUser(c *gin.Context, db *gorm.DB) { // If at least 1 administator exists, require authorization if backend.CountAdmins(db) > 0 { tokenValue, err := c.Cookie("phoenix-token") // Anonymous visitor if err != nil { err = errors.New("At least 1 user exists, you have to sign in first") ShowError(c, err) return } err = backend.ValidateToken(db, tokenValue) if err != nil { ShowError(c, err) return } } // User is authorized or no user exists. // Try to create a user. username := c.PostForm("username") password := c.PostForm("password") admin, err := backend.CreateAdmin(db, username, password) if err != nil { ShowError(c, err) return } // Generate access token. token, err := backend.CreateAccessToken(db, admin.ID) if err != nil { ShowError(c, err) return } SetTokenCookie(c, token) // Redirect to homepage. c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/") } func AuthorizeUser(c *gin.Context, db *gorm.DB) { // Check credentials. username := c.PostForm("username") password := c.PostForm("password") admin, err := backend.AuthorizeAdmin(db, username, password) if err != nil { ShowError(c, err) return } // Generate an access token. token, err := backend.CreateAccessToken(db, admin.ID) if err != nil { ShowError(c, err) return } SetTokenCookie(c, token) // Redirect to homepage. c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/") } // Save token for 29 days in cookies func SetTokenCookie(c *gin.Context, token backend.AccessToken) { c.SetCookie("phoenix-token", token.Value, 60*60*24*29, "/", "", false, true) }