defmodule ComfycampWeb.UserResetPasswordLive do use ComfycampWeb, :live_view alias Comfycamp.Accounts def render(assigns) do ~H"""
<.header class="text-center">Сброс пароля <.simple_form for={@form} id="reset_password_form" phx-submit="reset_password" phx-change="validate" > <.error :if={@form.errors != []}> Упс, что-то пошло не так. Проверьте ошибки ниже. <.input field={@form[:password]} type="password" label="Новый пароль" required /> <.input field={@form[:password_confirmation]} type="password" label="Подтвердите новый пароль" required /> <:actions> <.button phx-disable-with="Сбрасываю..." class="w-full">Сбросить пароль

<.link href={~p"/users/register"}>Зарегистрироваться | <.link href={~p"/users/log_in"}>Войти

""" end def mount(params, _session, socket) do socket = assign_user_and_token(socket, params) form_source = case socket.assigns do %{user: user} -> Accounts.change_user_password(user) _ -> %{} end {:ok, assign_form(socket, form_source), temporary_assigns: [form: nil]} end # Do not log in the user after reset password to avoid a # leaked token giving the user access to the account. def handle_event("reset_password", %{"user" => user_params}, socket) do case Accounts.reset_user_password(socket.assigns.user, user_params) do {:ok, _} -> {:noreply, socket |> put_flash(:info, "Password reset successfully.") |> redirect(to: ~p"/users/log_in")} {:error, changeset} -> {:noreply, assign_form(socket, Map.put(changeset, :action, :insert))} end end def handle_event("validate", %{"user" => user_params}, socket) do changeset = Accounts.change_user_password(socket.assigns.user, user_params) {:noreply, assign_form(socket, Map.put(changeset, :action, :validate))} end defp assign_user_and_token(socket, %{"token" => token}) do if user = Accounts.get_user_by_reset_password_token(token) do assign(socket, user: user, token: token) else socket |> put_flash(:error, "Reset password link is invalid or it has expired.") |> redirect(to: ~p"/") end end defp assign_form(socket, %{} = source) do assign(socket, :form, to_form(source, as: "user")) end end